Letters: Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Olfactory Workout

To the editor: Betty Brink’s article, “Shaky Foundation” (June 27, 2007) once again validates this savvy journalist’s resumé of writing about and for the people. Thanks also to her contributing writer Jessica Bagherpour. This latest chronology of the housing debacles reeks of machinations, posturing, and pandering. Jerome Walker, president of City Construction (CCC) and the Housing Finance Corp., ought to be fired. His title alone shows where his priorities are: on himself.
The olfactory glands get a workout in this story: A combination of money, nepotism and the you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours philosophy is obviously running in high gear at city hall.
The poor need housing, and it’s the responsibility of the government — be it local, state, or federal — to assist the needy and handicapped, because our taxes support this measure of benevolence.
This Brinks/Bagherpour report is worthy of being sent to our state and federal legislatures, with a plea that they do something to stop this pervading greed at all levels of these agencies.
Dee Taylor
Fort Worth

To the editor: Thanks for doing the article on Speaker Jim Wright (“The Speaker in Winter,” July 3, 2007). I first met the speaker in 1998 at the Texas Democratic Convention when I was a college student. My grandparents had told me stories about him helping his district in the 1950s and 1960s — and they are Republicans. On my desk, I keep a picture of Speaker Wright and me from that convention. At the time it was cool to just meet someone of his stature, but now, as an adult in politics, I have a greater appreciation for him. Speaker Wright’s reputation for doing what was right for his district makes him legendary even to Republicans. His tremendous leadership in Fort Worth is what made me want to get into politics. His service is a great inspiration to anyone who wants to get into politics and public service. In May, I saw the speaker at a fund-raiser in Fort Worth for U.S. Sen. John Edwards, and he was still active and engaged in what is going on in the world. He is a man of great wisdom, and anyone who is considering running for office would be a better candidate and elected official for getting to know him.
Evan Hicks
Dallas (but a Fort Worth native)

To the editor: I read the featured article on Jim Wright online, and it was very good and very balanced.
Keep up your good work.
Jim Bradshaw
Fort Worth

To the editor: The Jeff Prince article about Jim Wright was a memorial to the octogenarian icon who is still revered in Fort Worth.
He is still very active in his beloved city, what with his teaching at TCU and having his byline posted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He was like a minister to a lot of us, assisting us with problems and getting them solved.
He still prevails in his objectives: to make this proud city the epitome of a place to live, work, and enjoy life.
To this great legislator: Keep the Golden Gloves on, Jim. You’re indispensable!
Edna Maskell
Fort Worth

Suspect Savior
To the editor: Regarding E. R. Bills’ “Second Thought” (“Oh, for a Reality-Based President”) in July 4 issue: Just wanted to let the author know that he/she isn’t a patriot — after all, you can only be a patriot if you support “W.”
When, as a researcher and activist, I first started exposing the reality of Bush, I was told I couldn’t do that because people supported him. When the WMDs didn’t show up in Iraq, then suddenly it was OK to expose him as the emperor with no clothes.
The problem is that people put these guys, no matter what they do, up on a pedestal like they are some kind of messiah come to save the world.
Maybe they will eventually realize, after so many crimes by “W,” that the only Messiah who can save them isn’t of this world.
Thank you for saying it like it is.
Lynn M. Stuter
Nine Mile Falls, Wash.
To the editor: In his July 4 “On Second Thought,” guest writer E.R. Bills gave a well-written deDELETEion of President Bush’s machinations and the deceit that has pervaded his entire tenure.
We no longer live in a democracy — we live in an oligarchy. None of the president’s men are culpable for anything. So he pardons the ones that are convicted as a quid pro quo for them to remain silent. Bush will likely pardon himself prior to leaving office, and I bet he looks at himself in the mirror every day, congratulating himself on his “mission accomplished” and the never-ending conflict that will turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory at best — with the sacrificial lamb count” (soldiers) now at more than 3,500.
Delores Cantrell
Fort Worth

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