FREE WILL ASTROLOGY: Wednesday, October 29, 2003

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You have two biological parents, four grandparents, and eight great-grandparents. You wouldn’t be you if it weren’t for those 14 people. They played a major role in your talents and flaws, your predilections and aversions. This is a perfect time to get to know them better. Deepening your connection to your family’s history will provide crucial clues as you seek to reinvigorate your tired old perspectives on long-running dilemmas. Are you brave enough to mutate your understanding of where you came from and where you belong? Halloween costume suggestion: the ancestor who fascinates you the most.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): If I were writing this for Gun Lovers’ Casino Porn Today magazine, I might tell my Taurus readers to keep their vices firmly in check, as this is a time when anti-social vices are likely to cause even more havoc than usual. However, since you are reading a respectable publication and are undoubtedly a refined and ethical person, I feel comfortable advising you to tap into the instinctual part of your nature that is usually off-limits. Halloween costume suggestion: the animal whose spirit would best awaken your dormant wildness.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “You may have been born to be a worrywart,” says Edward Hallowell in his book Worry: Controlling It and Using It Wisely. “Some people have a nervous system that is like an alarm system that goes off too easily.” In my experience, only about eight percent of the Gemini tribe fit this description in normal times. But between late October and mid-November, the number zooms. Many of you seem hard-wired to generate anxiety or to enjoy scaring yourself silly. This is a favorable time to confront your doubts and fears, but the point is to conquer them, not let them consume and demoralize you. My advice is to unleash your inner warrior immediately. Halloween costume suggestions: your favorite superhero or crusader for justice.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): New species of delight are headed your way, lucky one. Outbursts of exotic bliss await you. There’s only one obstacle that could interfere: your attachment to old familiar ways of stirring up the good times. Be willing to put them aside, at least temporarily, so that you can be fully available for sources of future happiness. Keep William Blake’s poem in mind: “He who bends to himself a joy / Does the winged life destroy; / But he who kisses the joy as it flies / Lives in eternity’s sunrise.” Halloween costume suggestion: your favorite bird.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In my meditations on your immediate future, I sometimes see poignant images: a wet firecracker, a flickering flame on a thin candle in a paper boat floating down a creek. But at other times, the vision that comes to mind is a lover crying cathartic tears in the midst of a powerful orgasm. Which of these two perspectives is likely to predominate for you this week? It may depend on your ability to create a potent blend of the magic of fire and the magic of water. Halloween costume suggestions: a mermaid carrying a torch or Neptune holding a thunderbolt.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The current state of your fate could drive you half-crazy if you’re not patient. The gods seem to be teasing you with tantalizing promises that they later rescind. You’ve practically been forced to master the art of living on the edge and in between. I’m reminded of part of a poem by Octavio Paz: “All is visible and elusive,/ all is near and can’t be touched.” My advice: Visualize your predicament as an intriguing enigma, not a maddening ambiguity. Reach for the condition William Wordsworth described: “fleeting moods of shadowy exultation.” Halloween costume suggestions: a puzzle, a majestic cloud, a second mask worn over the first mask.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Dear Rob: I’ve spent my life trying to adjust to the fact that I never finished being born. It’s as if I didn’t agree to leave the womb, never surrendered to being exiled into this heavy, difficult place. As a result, I feel I’m not completely here; I’m always holding back a little. But I’m tired of this. I want to arrive fully and embrace my destiny. Can you help? — Unborn Libra.” Dear Unborn: Interesting you should bring this up. It’s a favorable time for you Libras to come all the way down to earth. I suggest a meditation where you visualize yourself being born while filled with glee, triumph, and freedom. Halloween costume suggestion: a very happy baby.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): If you enjoy tormenting yourself with fantasies of bad things that might happen, surf over to the Dante’s Inferno Test web site ( If, on the other hand, you’re finally ready to shed your perverse attraction to doom and gloom — and my analysis says you are — then zealously avoid entertaining yourself with fear and anxiety. Instead, track down fascinating encounters with boom and zoom. Halloween costume suggestions: a pirate wearing smiley-face buttons or a gangsta rapper with a fuzzy Sesame Street puppet.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’re a giant surrounded by ants. Unfortunately, the ants are better organized than you. What are you going do about it? It’s not too late to launch a crash program to match them in their disciplined strength. If you do it now, you can accomplish this improbable feat without diluting the creative power of your messy fertility. This might help: Design a Halloween costume that expresses both extremes. You could be a soldier wearing a jester’s hat or an ant riding a unicycle.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “Confront the difficult while it is still easy,” suggests the Tao Te Ching. “Accomplish the great task by a series of small acts.” This is perfect advice for you in the coming weeks. I will add three variations: 1. Fix things before they’re broken. 2. Arrange to have a showdown on your home turf as soon as possible so you don’t have to submit to a confrontation in a time and place your adversary chooses. 3. Go looking for good trouble before it degenerates into bad trouble. Halloween costume suggestions: scout, tracker, pathfinder, fortune-teller.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Here are your affirmations for the week; say them aloud at least 20 times every day: “I want to have a vision of the recognition I will some day be worthy of. I want to ignore everyone else’s definition of ‘professionalism’ and create my own. I want my reputation to be a close reflection of who I really am. I want to feel what it’s like to have supple faith in my decisions.” Halloween costume suggestions: the leader you most admire, a famous wise person, an unpretentious king or queen.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): It seems that the long-sought treasure is not what it was when you first launched your quest to make it yours. Either that, or it has stayed the same and you have changed. Whatever the case, the fact is that you need to adjust your relationship with it. Its meaning and value have shifted, and your strategy in pursuing it won’t work much longer. Halloween costume suggestions: a knight of the Round Table, an alchemist in search of the philosopher’s stone, a religious seeker headed for the promised land.

Homework: What is your greatest fear? Make fun of it this Halloween. Tell me about it at

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