Letters: Wednesday, September 17, 2003
A Moving Offer

To the editor: My daughter and her friends go to Dreamworld to play and hear their friends in bands play music (“Sound or Silence,” Sept. 3, 2003). The kids need a place to hang out and rock out. John tries to keep the kids in line and provide a decent atmosphere, but he cannot be everywhere. I appreciate his trying to provide a place for the kids. Mr. Clark obviously has some deep issues that he intends to force on Dreamworld. We can only hope that Mr. Clark and others like him will be stopped as they attempt to shove their opinions and wants down our throats. Dreamworld is surrounded by used-car lots, warehouses, and commercial property that would normally be empty at night when the kids are there. Maybe Mr. Clark needs to pack up and move to an old folks’ home where everything is peaceful and quiet and he can run roughshod over the other old people who will not be able to speak up against him. I know lots of people willing to help him move. Anytime.

Cheryl Walker

Fort Worth

To the editor: I live less than two blocks from the Dreamworld music complex. I am 25, an avid music fan, and respect everyone’s right to listen to whatever type of music they want to (that’s one of the things that make our country great), but that doesn’t mean that I want to hear loud, annoying punk rock music late at night. I have called 911 one time in the past month complaining about the noise level coming from Dreamworld — and that was only after being able to hear it inside my home with all the doors and windows shut and the tv on.

But I think that Mr. Boothe and Mr. Clark are taking their gripes too far. For example, in your article it says that Mr. Boothe complained to the city over the noise level of the trains by his house. Now that railroad has been there for almost 80 years, and I’m sure Mr. Boothe knew that when he bought his house. I think that he is just an old man who is retired and has nothing better to do than become the “noise police.” If he does not like the noise level of the trains, planes, and Dreamworld, then he needs to move far away in the forest and write a newspaper or something. Basically what I’m trying to say to Mr. Boothe is, “Get over it!”

Will Evans


Anti-Gay or Anti-Pay

To the editor: The fact that Fort Worth Weekly chooses to run ultra-conservative and adult ads in the same paper is the very definition of fair and balanced, tolerant, or whatever adjective today’s news sources pretend to be but frequently are not. The “entirely new low” you speak of (Letters, Sept. 3, 2003) is actually an example of not allowing editorial content to be influenced by advertisers. I don’t recall reading any anti-Gay Day (or for that matter, anti-gay) articles in that week’s issue. In fact, I do remember an objective report a few weeks back on the controversial appointment of openly gay Bishop Gene Robinson as the diocese of New Hampshire.

Do you like not paying for your Weekly? I do. Let them run whatever ads they want. You can continue to overlook the ones with which you disagree.

Amanda Hand

Fort Worth

Keep Herd, Ditch Rail

To the editor: I just read the article “Hype on the Hoof” and I support the idea of continuing the cattle drive of the Fort Worth Herd through the Stockyards.

Fort Worth has the unique display of its past come to life. What other modern big city has cattle moving along one of its streets? None. Fort Worth and its politicians should support and preserve this little bit of its heritage for all to see.

If the city wants to save money, how about cutting back on the stupid decisions made by its city officials who like to waste taxpayer money on unnecessary garbage like beautifying a damned bridge or overpass with special railings? Looks good at 35 to 60 mph while I drive by. Besides, I’d rather pay attention to driving, rather than seeing some ordinary, idiot landscaping.

David Reuss


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