Letters: Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Maybe It Was Just a Flood

I loved the story about The Lone Star Iconoclast (“Living on Ink and Ether,” Jan. 5, 2005), but did the writer, Dan Malone, really need to use the word “tsunami”?
Amanda C. Hand
Fort Worth

To the editor: You recently attacked the Four Star on West 7th Street, my favorite local coffee shop (Static, Nov. 24, 2004). As Steve McQueen said about his critics, you just had to take your shot, just couldn’t let it be.
May I remind my friends in the press that things grow as they go. That the Four Star chooses to change itself from the coffee shop the award-chasing press has known for all these years to something different is its choice. That you characterize its new offerings as “schlock” is predictable. You’d think that every damned little hole in this flawed cowtown is as it was when the cattle moved north up Hemphill Street.
I’m OK with the change at the Four Star, and so are my pals. Why get overly elegiac about this? We’re still there most days about 8:30 a.m. Progress in our sleepy, little, dusty town? We’re movin’! Hell, you can even see an ATM machine at venerable Will Rogers Auditorium. Some of those trail-driving tourist cowboys are using cellular telephones on the job. Damn!
I’ll leave a ten-spot at the Four Star counter for the ever-discerning Fort Worth Weekly newshounds. ... It’s not like I care a whole lot about things Fort Worth, true; it’s just that I hate to see local journalists in a self-imposed tizzy. This ain’t New York City. It’s silly Cowtown, fer chrissakes!
Eduardo Paz-Martinez
Fort Worth

Raggin’ on the Call
To the editor: I understand the value of journalistic freedom and the need for critical review, but you guys are going to have to find a way to balance those with your capitalistic needs in order to continue presenting those views to your reading public. Specifically, I am referring to this week’s (and some previous weeks’) “Last Call” reviews. As a local business owner and longtime advertiser, I take offense to Last Call’s negative references to “that West Seventh Street drag.” If you want to continue printing these “opinions” that in effect are biting the hands that feed you, then maybe you should consider how well you would fare with less advertising and letting your readers foot the bill by paying for your publication. I pay advertising fees to promote my business in your paper — not to have one of your “phantom critics” tell my customer’s what a drag 7th Street has become. If I were the owner of Snookie’s, I would immediately pull my advertising for the slam Last Call gave them in the same article. You can be sure that I am personally going to make Snookie’s aware of this week’s “review” so they can make that marketing decision on their own. I’m so sick and tired of this “holier than thou” mentality that makes you think you can print anything because you’re journalists and don’t have to answer to anyone. Well, sooner or later you eventually have to answer to the people who really pay the bills — your advertisers. Continue this unchecked, and you can expect a pay cut from me. You want to show some real journalistic balls — print this in your letters to the editor.
Jimmy Moore
Fort Worth

Supporting the Troupes
To the editor: Thank you for the very comprehensive article about the Jubilee Theatre (“Curtain Time,” Jan. 12, 2005). We did indeed raise $463,000 — but it was not by my efforts alone, as the article may have led some people to believe. The fund raising was a result of the effort of a number of individuals on the board and staff, especially Ruth Ann Kearly and Benjamin Espino. We are all proud of what we have accomplished.
Most importantly, this successful effort shows the affection that the community has for Jubilee Theatre. We’re delighted that the theater company Rudy Eastman has nurtured for more than 24 years is considered by so many to be worthy of support.
Joe Dulle
Fort Worth

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