Friends of Fromholz
To the editor: Just read your article regarding your interview with Steven Fromholz (“How Long Is The Road?” July 16, 2003). He is a dear friend of mine and I was so worried about him and his progress. I had a benefit for him during a songwriter show at the White Elephant Saloon and was happy to hear that the money that was raised has allowed him time to rest and speed his recovery.
Thank you for taking the time to let all of his friends know that he is doing well and that he is optimistic for the future.
Karen Zahn
Secretary, Texas Music Nation
Musician’s Emergency Relief Fund
Fort Worth
To the editor: Enjoyed your article on Fromholz. Is there an address he can receive donations? As in a check? I’d like to send him a few bucks as I have been following him since 1969.
Lane Crabtree
Fort Worth
Editor’s response: Donations can be sent to:
The Steven Fromholz Medical Assistance Fund
c/o Eddie Safady
Liberty Bank
P.O. Box 2167
Austin, TX 78768
To the editor: The Fromholz article was great! I laughed about the deal about waiting on the locusts for a solid ten minutes (lol). OK, so he’s not that sick if he’s still firing ’em off like that. That’s my boy. I hope he gets well enough to perform really soon; we can’t wait to have him back at MacHenry’s.
John Walker
MacHenry’s Upstairs
Fort Worth
To the editor: Thank you for your human interest piece on Steve Fromholz in the July 16-22 issue of Fort Worth Weekly. I know that you talked to John Walker (my significant other) in writing the piece, and thank you for mentioning MacHenry’s Upstairs in the article. Steve was pleased to help John by being the first “road act” to appear at MacHenry’s last September when he sold out the house the first time. He played from 9 p.m. to 1:45 a.m. with only two short breaks. He sold c.d.’s, signed autographs, and chatted with MacHenry’s patrons like they were old friends during his breaks. His show was punctuated with stories from his life, his performing career, and his support for John opening a singer/songwriter venue for acoustic music. His performance of his “Texas Trilogy” brought down the house. It was a wonderful evening. I hope for his speedy recovery, and I hope he will play MacHenry’s again when he returns to performing. He’s a Texas treasure.
Nancy Hawa
Fort Worth
To the editor: Angela here, Steven’s sister. I personally loved the article, and thanks so much for your insight and compassion. I particularly liked the fact that you didn’t avoid the “damage” factor Steven has suffered, yet you presented a very positive picture for the future. Your article has prompted several entertainers to express interest in joining Steven’s efforts to benefit the guys at the VA, and we’re working diligently to get that up and rolling. Thanks for your help with that good cause. Kindest regards.
Angela Blair
Clifton, Texas
Aware of Abuse
To the editor: This article (“Children of the Damned,” July 23, 2003) made me realize it really does take a village to raise children. As adults, we have a responsibility to the children we encoun-ter to be aware of signs of abuse and neglect. Adults need to make themselves safe havens for kids who can’t trust their parents or whose parents won’t believe when they have been hurt. The shame of abuse is heavy enough; victims shouldn’t be made to feel they can’t trust someone to help them carry it.
Amanda Hand
Encompassing PETA
To the editor:When Adolf Otto Eichmann was captured, he was asked how he could have ordered the torture of children. His answer: “They were only Jews.”
As a vegetarian, I often hear “It’s only an animal” to defend cruel practices in the meat industries. As a Jew, these words haunt me. It is not that I think cows are equal to my (or any other) people, but that the capacity to dismiss suffering as “trivial” is what allowed the Holocaust to happen (“Food Fascists?” June 5, 2003).
As Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorna, who fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s wrote, “Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks, ‘They’re only animals.’ ”
I am frightened to see caring people conditioned to accept horrendous suffering. Why do some believe that animal rights activists care less for people because we include animals in our circle of compassion? My empathy for one group does not diminish my compassion for another.
Cannot the mantra “Never Again” encompass every being?
Jayn Brotman
Cincinnati, Ohio
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