Hearsay: Wednesday, August 8, 2002
Soldiering On

HearSay refuses comment on the hefty bar tab accumulated at the Aardvark last weekend, or the blonde TCU pre-med student and friend who did shots — not took shots, Texas — with your columnist Saturday night, then swiftly disappeared into the throng of similarly blonde TCU students packing the place. Nor will we discuss the idea that HearSay was once again spending another weekend cruising West Berry for, you know, blonde TCU students. HearSay will also plead the fifth if anyone asks why it won’t be filling this space talking about Soviet, um, Space, whose c.d. release party at said joint Saturday had brought a flotilla of TCU students of various hair colors — and the elderly who love these kids — out of the woodwork. HearSay will, however, talk about a couple of Aardvark bands and how valiantly they performed in the face of “adversity.” (And HearSay has put little quotes around adversity because we’re not talking about real adversity here — like trying to walk without any legs or something. We’re being relativistic.)

It all started Thursday with Funtch. The venue was pretty much empty, save for a few Funtch fanatics seated up front near the stage. JB was holding it down behind the bar, while HearSay focused on the tv, above the liquor cabinets, tuned to “Wild On!,” E!’s nightly program dedicated to showing as many half-dressed people and strippers as the FCC allows. Then Funtch got started. Perfect. Melodic, hardcore, almost-rap-metal in HearSay’s ears, augmented beauties in its eyes. The realization struck that Kid Rock might be onto something, and HearSay actually thought about ordering — what else but white-trash Courvoisier? — a Jack on the rocks. Reason returned, and HearSay stuck with its highly caloric-but-tasty Smirnoff Ice, thank you very much.

So about that “adversity.” Word was that Funtch’s lead singer, Mike, was recovering — or still in the throes of — strep throat. Sinking into guttural growls and rising to medium range to hold some long notes, he sounded fine to HearSay. Bassist Mike Mills explained after the show that Mike wasn’t actually hitting all his notes and was not engaging the crowd per his normal m.o. This was all nonsense: The band was super-tight, its music was thoroughly rocking, and Mike was an absolute professional. That, and Funtch gets points for being little troopers.

Speaking of little troopers, the young guys from the Adderallics were also not functioning at optimum capacity last weekend but still managed to rawk. The band’s lead singer, Cameron, had two shiners, and Joe, the drummer, was playing perfectly despite having received three stitches on his right index finger. Seems that the boys got injured trying to break up a fight at a bar in Looz-iana. Didn’t matter: The band was awesome, and it should be playing venues like the Aardvark and Wreck Room regularly if not weekly. Note to bar owners and blonde TCU students: HearSay will be where the Adderallics are, ready to burn some plastic and do some shots.

E-mail HearSay at hearsay@fwweekly.com.

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