Letters: Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Letters to the Editor


To the editor: Anthony Mariani’s piece on the Anti-Heroes (“Art for Beer’s Sake,” Oct. 12, 2005) was damn close to spot on. Good reporting and writing. He caught us with our pants down and ... wait a minute, that’s not so hard to do. Never mind.

Anyway, I looked the piece over several times, feeling there was one vital thing missing. It finally came to me yesterday evening as I passed the little pile of broken taillight pieces I had collected from my driveway the morning after the “Aledo soiree”: Anthony forgot to mention the part where we got him so giggly fucked-up on Anti-Hero party materials that he merrily plowed into Bubba Dan’s pickup on his way home. He has the honor of getting the biggest laugh of the party.

Dude, if you can’t play with the big dogs, you need to stay under the porch.

“Hippy Steve” Huffman


Prop 2 Affects Us All

To the editor: On Nov. 8, Texans will vote on Proposition 2 to amend the Texas Constitution (“Campaign of Whispers,” Oct. 19, 2005). The amendment would define marriage in Texas as only the union of one man and one woman and would prohibit the state from creating or recognizing any legal status similar to marriage for other citizens.

Voters of Texas: Same-sex marriage is already illegal in this state. What possible purpose does this amendment serve other than blatant double discrimination? In one day at least 3 to 10 percent of the Texas population — anywhere from 663,555 to 2,211,850 Texas gay and lesbian citizens — will permanently be denied the right to legally substantiate their relationships in the same way that all heterosexual Texans are allowed to do so.

Moreover, all unmarried Texan couples (gay and straight) and non-traditional families will be affected via loss of equitable treatment through housing, employment benefits, health care, bereavement leave, hospital visitation rights, protection from domestic violence, and at least a thousand other legal encroachments to basic fairness and justice. Why indeed should gay and lesbian Texans and unmarried straight couples continue to pay school and property taxes in order to be legally sanctioned as “second-class” citizens? Massachusetts passed gay marriage and the earth did not open. Both houses of the California Legislature passed gay marriage, and Schwarzenegger was not struck blind (yet). California, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C., have all recognized civil unions, and as far as I know those residents have not been turned into pillars of salt. Wouldn’t it be something if just this once Texas took a dynamic lead on Nov. 8 and showed the rest of the country we’re not all marching in lock step with the religious right?

William Sibley

San Antonio

Done Good

To the editor: I wanted to thank Jimmy Fowler for the wonderful story (“Yin and Yang,” Sept. 7, 2005) that he wrote about my father, Ray Yang, and his restaurant, Uncle Yang’s Restaurant. I’ve been so busy that I had not been able to visit my parents, but I had dinner there the other night and saw the story.

I realize that I’m biased because I think my father’s the best, but the story definitely portrayed him in the way that I know most people see and feel about him.

Helen Yang

Fort Worth

Hittin’ 16

To the editor: Perhaps Static could use a blackjack lesson (Oct. 12, 2005). Hitting a 16 depends on the dealer’s up card only. If the dealer shows a seven or higher, the basic strategy is to hit 16 no matter what. If the dealer has any card from two to six, that’s when you stand on 16. If the player at the table did the right thing then you, sir, should not have been betting $100 hands. Usually it’s the other way around — the schmo next to you stands on 16 against the dealer’s seven and ace and ruins it for everyone else. Or, worse yet, he doubles down on a 12! I suggest you sharpen your own skills; otherwise decrease your bets dramatically.

Keith Ditto

Fort Worth

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