Letters: Wednesday, May 30, 2002
Murder files

To the editor: With regard to comments by a couple of my former co-workers (“Murder & Obsession,” April 25, 2002), I would like to respond with one or two of my own. I would also like to thank those within the police department who supported my beliefs. Over the years, different men have been assigned the Carla Walker case. I probably have more knowledge about the case than some. One person commented that I would probably try to connect William Ted Wilhoit to the Kennedy assassination. They didn’t do their math. Wilhoit would have been only nine years old at the time. I would never place an innocent person to any crime, but others did, didn’t they! Kenneth Miller might be serving time if Leonard Schilling had not believed in me. The same with the Abilene rape; police listened to me. Perhaps this is why people come to me with information; I listen to them. If anyone wishes to contact me, they can e-mail me at johnatfw@swbell.net

I will respond to every letter and pass the information to someone who will take it seriously.

Fort Worth Police DetectiveJohn Terrell, retired

Fort Worth

To the editor: I am glad that this publication will print stories that the big papers in our town won’t print (“Murder & Obsession,” April 25, 2002), regardless of the embarrassment to the Fort Worth Police Department who bungled this case and no doubt countless others, and to this day will not try to right the wrongs of this case. After more than two police chiefs have come and gone and with the present one in office now, I doubt this will change. Please continue to do your good work. God bless you and retired police Officer John Terrell.

Your new reader,

Rolando Ingram

Fort Worth

FWISD’s Bomb

To the editor: Great article about the bomb scare (“Failing the Bomb Drill,” May 16, 2002). Another topic I wonder about in this situation, since students are prohibited from keeping prescription drugs with them while at school (they have to be kept with the nurse): What should students do if they suddenly find themselves having an asthma attack, or some other potentially life threatening situation?

Thanks for the article.

Mark Moore


To the editor: I appreciated your article, “Failing the Bomb Drill,” in the May 16 issue and I commend teacher Sandy Scholls for making do very well in a difficult situation. I note that school superintendent acknowledged the boss’ mistake and cancelled moves to fire Ms. Scholls after the bomb-threat incident. That leaves one more bit of unfinished business: The district’s Office of Special Investigations screwed up big time and reached several grievously wrong conclusions and recommendations. For those really bad mistakes several people in the OSI should be reprimanded and/or removed, possibly including the OSI head, Cecelia Speers, and the OSI chief investigator, Bobby Whiteside.

And to the world in general, I say: Get a grip! Most things in life do not require a radical or severe response.

David Olson


Mistrusting the T

To the editor: The recent defeat of the transit levy by the citizens of Arlington may have been a blessing in disguise. The thought of the Fort Worth Transportation Authority providing service in Arlington (“Hoofing It,” Feb. 7, 2002) would be enough for the transit-dependent person to vote no.

Fort Worth “T” customer service, scheduling, fleet maintenance, and driver morale rate an overall grade of C-. They seem to be responding now, but they have made some serious gaffs, which have made Arlington residents never want to see a bus again. As a T customer, here is what I have experienced:

Buses in poor repair including some for which mechanics do not have manuals. Drivers unable to get a replacement bus out on a route when a 30-year-old bus breaks down.

The system requires a rider to take two buses to get to major shopping areas and then have to wait 30 to 60 minutes for connection. The transit centers make no sense. Hulen Mall is the major shopping area in South Fort Worth. What would be a 20-minute midday drive there takes 90 to 120 minutes by bus because of connections.

Attempts to discontinue routes without notice. The T is playing games about whether the RT 30 Centreport route is going to continue. It is now operated by SuperShuttle with no regard to people’s work schedules. It is a long 40-minute loop designed so that the T can discontinue the service like the passenger railroads in the 1960s.

Buses leaving Trinity Railway Express stations before train can come to complete stop and discharge passengers. Buses arriving at TRE stations after trains have left or scheduled to leave two minutes before train arrives.

Having to walk home because bus is a no-show. The driver said he thought there would not be anyone at the stop.

In light of some of the aforementioned public relations fiascos, one can see another reason Arlington voters might be hesitant to vote for bus service.

Mark Seward

Fort Worth

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