Still Pranking
Still Pranking
To the editor: Obviously Dan McGraw (Second Thought, June 28, 2006) isn’t aware that by preceding a phone number with *67, it will block the sending of information that is picked up by caller ID — therefore, the Prince Albert and refrigerator-running prank calls can still be made without being identified by technology (works on both land lines and cell phones).
Ron Spigener
Inquiring Minds
To the editor: I just finished reading your July 5 issue. It was fascinating, but left me with a few questions:
First, is E.R. Bills (Second Thought) a lifelong member of the Democratic Party? A paid consultant, perchance? I ask because he seems to have crammed into his piece every possible moonbat accusation against President Bush, including that the Supreme Court somehow installed him (it didn’t), that there were no links between Sadaam Hussein and terrorists (there were), and that it was, somehow, the Bush administration that started a “war” over homosexuality (blame the Massachusetts high court if you want to point fingers on that one). I notice he didn’t mention the lying and bumbling on the part of the Democrats during any of this time, but, well, we’ve come to expect that from the whiny left.
Second, Scott Langley (“The Good Fight”) seems extremely compassionate toward schizophrenic murderers who kill and mutilate their neighbors. He’s so sympathetic that he has set up facilities to comfort the families of death row inmates. Since Mr. Langley doesn’t believe in the death penalty, I wonder if his next project could be moving some of those same murderers into his home? I mean, after all, if the death penalty is too cruel for murderers and mutilators, he must be willing to put his own butt on the line, right?
Finally — I used to call Fort Worth Weekly the “Disgruntled Ex-employees of the Star-Telegram Weekly,” and this week you have earned that title once again. Was there really nothing more interesting for Static to take potshots at than Rich Connor putting his mug on the cover of his own publications? I’m surprised you left out the wage and hiring freezes he implemented as cost-cutting measures. No doubt, Connor is a businessman first and newspaperman second, but he insulted his Star-Telegram staff far worse than by implementing expanded society pages. You might look into doing this yourself. You could run those pics near all the escort services and “meet gay and bi locals” ads.
Sharon King
Fort Worth
Any Freeze Sounds Good
To the editor: Regarding Jeff Prince’s story (“Senior Freeze-Out,” May 10, 2006), in February 2006 a representative from each Tarrant County district appeared at county commissioners’ court and asked commissioners to freeze county taxes on the homes of the disabled and those over 65. They refused and would not even place it on the ballot for the voters to decide. Voters amended the Texas Constitution in 2003, allowing local taxing entities throughout Texas to freeze such homestead property taxes (87 percent of the voters in Tarrant County approved, 81 percent statewide). When the commissioners’ court didn’t respond, a small group of citizens began seeking signatures to require that this issue be approved or placed on the ballot. This effort was highly successful. The Texas Constitution requires 5 percent of registered eligible voters in the county to sign the petition, which amounted to approximately 36,708 signatures. A small group of volunteers obtained more than 43,000 signatures. We are asking commissioners again to approve the freeze and save the taxpayers the expense of placing it on the ballot in November 2006.
Jack O. Lewis
Haltom City
Editor’s note: See Static, page 8, for an update.
Not My Scene
To the editor: I am a native Texan, born and raised in the Fort Worth area. I now live in New York. I have been reading Fort Worth Weekly’s music columns with some skepticism, but “Wrap It Up” (Music, July 12, 2006) is a gem. I listen to all sorts of tunes amidst all the hipstery-pop shit that is rotated through iPods and mix tapes. I am so impressed by how much you feel for Fort Worth music. even though I personally could care less for it.
I have seen the New York City and L.A. music scenes grow and flourish, but Fort Worth not so much. However, I do believe that if people in Fort Worth were to send examples of Fort Worth music to their out-of-town friends, it might just catch on. So thank you for supporting a scene that is undiscovered (regardless of my personal taste for it). More music reviewers should follow your lead and report on what’s good regardless of locale.
Matt Wise
New York City
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